Don't wait to remove that rotting tree from your property. Stump Busters Tree Service offers dead tree removal and tree branch removal to commercial and residential clients in Onondaga, Lansing, MI and the surrounding counties. Our team uses professional equipment such as a bucket truck and remote-control lift. With over 20 years of experience, our team has the expertise and knowledge to skillfully clear away dead or dying trees from your land.
For more information on this service, reach out to our team.
You've decided that the tree on your land needs to go. Stump Busters Tree Service is your go-to service provider when it comes to the removal of dead trees or branches in Onondaga, MI and the surrounding counties.
Not sure if you need dead tree or tree branch removal services? Call us if your tree:
Spruce up your property while increasing your safety. Call 517-202-3840 today to get your free estimate.